- Actor -

Pedro Pascal

Chilean-American Actor

Pedro Pascal holds camera

Why is Pedro Pascal my favourite actor?

Pedro Pascal is currently my favourite actor because besides being a talented actor starring in numerous different films and shows, he also has an amazing sense of humour. He has an amazing style, often wearing creative and original outfits on the red carpet. He uses his platform to raise awareness and funds for various causes. He is an LGBTQI ally. And he shows his love and appreciation for his fans. Fans call him papi Pascal for a reason.

Movies and Series

My favourite roles by
Pedro Pascal

The Mandalorian
Din Djarin

In “The Mandalorian”, an American space Western, Pedro plays Din Djarin, also known as the Mandalorian. He is a lone bounty hunter who goes on the run to protect the Force-sensitive child Grogu.


March 24, 2020

What I like about..?

I grew up with everything Star Wars, so I was already excited about this before it came out. Because he always wears a helmet I didn’t even realise it was Pedro until well into season 2.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Javier Gutierrez

In the action/comedy “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”, Pedro plays Javi Gutierrez: a billionaire and Cage super-fan who pays Cage $1 million to appear at his birthday party.


March 12, 2022

What I like about..?

It is a warm, funny, and touching comedy that is also very meta about the craft of acting, the life of an actor, and filmmaking. Pedro can really show off his comedic side in this film.

Javier Peña

In “Narcos” Pedro plays Javier Peña, a DEA agent. Narcos gives a chronicled look at the criminal exploits of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, as well as the many other drug kingpins who plagued the country.


August 8, 2015

What I like about..?

Because the show is based on real life events, the juxtaposition between real life visuals and the fictional, works well. It also has amazing screenplay.

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